Champagne every day? Absolutely! | Wine Tour

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An entire tour dedicated solely to champagne! And there’s nothing strange about that. You can explore champagne throughout a whole journey, just as you might with Burgundy or Bordeaux.

The variety among different champagnes is greater than you might think—especially if you choose interesting visits to different types of producers, mixing large houses with smaller growers. Despite the strict regulations in Champagne, there is plenty of room for individual producers to leave their personal mark on the champagne.

The grower influences everything—from the work in the fields to the final stage, the addition (or not) of dosage, which often makes the wine a bit rounder.

We learn all about the production process, and being here in person makes it much easier to understand how and why certain choices are made. It’s a complex wine to produce. We’ll explore the vineyards, visit many different types of cellars where thousands—or even millions—of bottles rest for many years before they’re ready to be enjoyed.

Amazing lunches paired entirely with champagne, of course. No red wine here!

Come on this luxurious wine tour to Champagne with BKWine, one of the world’s leading wine tour operators (*).

  • This tour is currently available as a bespoke tour for small groups.

(*) And the only one who has authored 13 award-winning wine books.

Champagne as aperitif
Champagne as aperitif, copyright BKWine Photography
Bottles in pupitres in an underground cellar in Champagne
Bottles in pupitres in an underground cellar in Champagne, copyright BKWine Photography
A village, vineyards and the Marne river in Champagne
A village, vineyards and the Marne river in Champagne, copyright BKWine Photography
Pinot noir harvested in a vineyard in Champagne
Pinot Noir harvested in a vineyard in Champagne, copyright BKWine Photography

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