“Miam, miam, experience the world with the world’s best food tours”
It is not our head-line. It is taken from the Tripadvisor article where they have featured BKWine Tours. Well, we are certainly very pleased and honoured to have been featured as one of the companies on TripAdvisor’s list of “The World’s Best Food Tours”.
It is the TripAdvisor subsidiary Niumba that has published an article on what they consider to be the most exciting food (including wine of course) tours. The picked us for our Champagne tours.
Here’s what they say about it:
Champagne: BKWine Tours
Champagne is one of the most popular destinations in the world when it comes to wine. Why? The answer is obvious: champagne. The tour offered by BKWine, a tour operator founded by Britt and Per Karlsson, take you to the region to taste these delicious sparkling wines over four days. During these four days you will get to understand why champagne from Champagne is unique in the world. The visits focus on smaller wine producers. During the course of the tour you will also learn how best to match this wine with different kinds of food.

Here’s more on what they have to say of food travel:
Foodie. It is not just a fad. It is also a way to travel. In recent years, following the emergence of some food and cooking programs as one of the most popular television programs (Top Chef, Master Chef etc) the interests in food has seen an exponential growth. And with it also gastronomic tourism.
So convert yourself to a new Anton Ego in Ratatouille and come with us on this tour of some of the best food tours in the world.
Many thanks to Rubén López of Niumba / Tripadvisor for having selected us on the list of the World’s Best Food Tours!
Read the whole article on food tours on Niumba / Tripadvisor.
We can only agree on the emergence of food travel. And in particular, when it comes to wine food is an integral part of the experience. On all of our wine tours, not only in Champagne, the food and the gastronomy plays an important role.
Here’s more information about our Champagne wine and food tours.
Some other examples:
In Bordeaux you can experience haute cuisine, the best of French gastronomy at some select chateaux with us, and even have the very unique experience of a meal where the sweet white wines of Sauternes are served all through the meal.

In Piedmont, where the world famous wines of Barolo and Barbaresco come from, they also have the exclusive white truffles. To have a morning filled with an early visit to a truffles market, followed by a walk in the forest with a truffles hunter and his dog (no pig!), and finished off with a truffles lunch is something you might do just once in your life. (An insider’s tip: if anyone tries to sell you a truffles tour in the spring time, beware. The truffles season is in the autumn and winter…)

In South America Chile and Argentina has become world famous for their wines but they are even more famous (perhaps) for their meat. On our wine tours you will have not one, but many occasions to experience the fantastic asados, opulent barbeque meals, that they are so good at making.

Is it something with the southern hemisphere? South Africa has its very own version of barbeque, the braai. It is more a gastro-party than just a meal really.

Portugal also has its very own cuisine, often with a rustic side to it. A lot of vegetables, sardines, fisk and many other delicious things, like for instance goat roast. Goat? Yes indeed. It is delicious!
And on and on and on it goes.
You’ll just have to make up your mind!
Read more press and media mentions on BKWine wine tours here.