In some ways Bordeaux and Champagne are very similar. The wines are of course totally different, but both share similar international fame and both have wine producers that many wine-lovers can only dream of tasting. And if you travel to Bordeaux you have the same challenge as for Champagne.
If you focus only on the famous names, as some tour organisers do, if you visit only the classified growths, les cru classés, and the likes, then you will miss out on much of the fun.
On our wine tour to Bordeaux you will get both.
You will get your fair share of luxurious Cinderella chateaux, but you will also get to meet the owners or winemakers at what represents 90 % Bordeaux: smaller, family-owned wineries that make wines that you can afford to drink even without selling your car. Plus you will get some of France’s best gourmet food.