In the past year, our latest book “Champagne, the wine and the growers” (“Champagne, vinet och odlarna” in the original language) has been acclaimed and won prizes in two prestigious contexts, by the OIV, the International Organization of Vine and Wine in Paris, and by Gourmand International in China.
“Champagne, the wine and the growers” talks about the wine champagne and of course how and with what to serve champagne. A large part of the book is dedicated to the growers who produce the now so popular “growers’ champagne”, i.e. champagne made by smaller producers, often family-owned, who own their vineyards and make their own wine. (Unlike the famous “houses”, the famous champagne brands, that are often more industrially produced.) It is one of very few books (and the only one in Swedish) that explains in detail, with updated info and factually correct descriptions about everything you might want to know about this bubbly wine. The book is published in Swedish.

Champagne, The Wine And The Growers has been given three honours:
- First prize in the category French Wines, by Gourmand Awards Sweden
- Nominated (or “shortlisted”) and then winning third prize in the category French Wines, by Gourmand International
- Special Mention by the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) in the category Monographs and special studies
Read more on these honours and on the book on BKWine Magazine: Our book “Champagne, the wine and the growers” winning awards by OIV and by Gourmand International
Travel: Come on a wine tour to Champagne with BKWine.