Piedmont, one of Italy’s most famous wine regions with exclusive wines from nebbiolo: barolo, barbaresco etc. But also many other fine wines. And its own Northern Italian cuisine with the exclusive white truffle from Alba. We will give you all this on our new program for the wine tour and food tour to Piedmont.
The scent almost stuns you. One step over threshold and it strikes you as if you walked into a wall. There is a hint of mushroom aroma. But still not really mushrooms. And much, much stronger… You have arrived at the truffles market in Alba.
The white truffle from Alba is world famous. (Although the French would of course assert that the black Perigord truffle is just as delicious!) It is in season in the autumn. In early October the great truffle market in Alba opens. Perhaps it is one of the few places in Italy that are really well organized (after all, we are in Northern Italy). Truffle growers shoulder to shoulder to display their “harvest”. If you want to buy, you can. If you just want to sniff and smell that is OK too.
The truffle market is just one of the attractions on this autumn’s new wine tour and food tour to the Piedmont.

We will of course also have a lovely truffles lunch where you get to taste the truffle “in action”, with plenty of truffle in the food.
The major part of trip is however dedicated to the wine. Up here in the Piedmont you can find some of Italy’s most famous wines. Barolo and barbaresco are of course first on the list, but there is much more to discover as well. Part of the charm of travelling to a wine region visiting vineyards is that you find things that you may not be so familiar with from home.
We have done wine tours in Piedmont for many years so we have had time to accumulate a bit of experience in where to find the best. We mix some of the famous names with lesser-known vineyards and wineries but ones that we think deserve to be discovered and appreciated.

At this time of year, the trip takes place in October, the weather can be a wonderfully sunny, almost like summer weather if you’re lucky. But even if it is hot and sunny in the daytime, the morning often starts rather chilly and foggy. It is not for nothing that the most famous grape is called nebbiolo, named after nebbia, the Italian word for fog.
We have put together a new program for the wine tour and gourmet tour to the Piedmont, Barolo, Barbaresco etc., to showcase some of the best that Piedmont has to offer, both in terms of wine and food. We hope you like it. (This wine tour is offered as a custom designed tailored wine tour on our English language program. The Piedmont wine tour is among our scheduled tours on our Scandinavian program.)
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