I recently wrote about wine regions which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here comes the next wine district.
Burgundy was put on the UNESCO list thanks to its climats. This has nothing to do with the weather. Climat is the word they use for the vineyard or the vineyard location in Burgundy. There are few wine regions that are mapped in such detail in terms of soil and vineyard locations as Burgundy. The fact is that the wine can taste completely different if you just go across the five meter wide gravel road to the next vineyard. Terroir if ever there was.
Burgundy is also sometimes described as France’s stomach. There are many classic French dishes and ingredients here: Charolais beef, Bresse chicken, lots of delicious cheeses, coq au vin, jambon persillé, oeuf en meurette, snails (of course!), and much more. Much of this we will show you on our wine tours to Burgundy. (Though the snails are not compulsory, but it’s actually good.)
Currently we offer wine tour to Burgundy as a custom designed tours in English. (On our Swedish program it is a staple.)
This was the last part in the mini-series about the wine region that are on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
Do you know of any other wine region that is on the UNESCO list? Write a comment!