Unfortunately I was not on the wine tour to the Piedmont…
A little while back we had a wine tour and culinary trip to the Piedmont. I often go on these tours but this time I did not. It was Åsa and Britt who led the trip. So unfortunately I was not there. That was, it seems, a bad choice. By me.
It is always fun to go to the Piedmont. Wonderful wines of course. Not only Barolo and Barbaresco, but also much more. They even have, perhaps somewhat unexpectedly, and quite unknown, really good white wines.
Then there’s the Piedmont food. For example the carne cruda from their special beef. Risottos. And of course the truffles. It can be a lot of truffles on these trips.
Lovely experiences, but unfortunately I was not there.

But what makes me regret the most that I was not there is the comments we have had from the travellers on that wine and food tour… It seems to have been exceptional (but it always is!).
Some examples:
Thank you for an outstanding management of the Piedmont tour. It was really very high-quality, highly interesting and instructive. Getting to know both you and Asa was also a great pleasure and we were impressed by both your charm and enthusiasm and by your great knowledge. Truly professional!
— Bror-Erik and Ann-Mari L.
A warm thank you for the experience that you and Åsa gave me. Absolutely incredible how professional you are. I am going to live long on the memories from this trip. As you perhaps understood, I have travelled a lot in Italy, Germany, etc., but this was on a level of its own.
When traveling just me and my old man we do not find these gems that you have given me. Will keep this with me and hope to get back to both the restaurants and the wineries.
I hope you had a nice stay with us and that we can come back on another tour in the future.
— Elizabeth H.

A big thank you for an excellent and interesting trip – even if we occasionally were a bit tired… It was incredibly interesting and really fun to be able to visit these great winemakers. We have learned a lot and your and Åsa’s knowledge was very valuable and essential to make the travel experience complete and make it an outstanding tour. Now we hope that the wines we ordered will arrive home and then we will go and get some more of those we tasted in our wine shop. This trip was a great 50th anniversary gift for me – a little in advance. I hope we meet again.
— Lena and Lennart H.
It was a very nice trip with very nice people.
I have never eaten and drunk so much delicious things on any other trip I have ever made. You and Åsa gave us excellent information about the different wines and from Åsa we also got some insights in the Italian culture that was very interesting.
— Susanne F.
I will simply have to make sure to come on the next wine and gourmet tour to the Piedmont region in Italy! And maybe you, too?