Our wine tours for the autumn 2017 are now available here on bkwinetours.com. Don’t miss out! New tours this year is Piedmont (with truffles!), and a gastronomic experience as well as a wine tour to the exciting and dynamic Alentejo in southern Portugal.
Bordeaux, 27 September – 1 October:
For a wine lover it is a must to visit Bordeaux! On this trip we will visit magnificent chateaux as well as smaller family-owned estates. Particularly memorable are the stunning chateaux lunches.
Douro Valley in northern Portugal, 18-22 October:
A wine tour with spectacular views. The landscape is dramatic. The grapes grow on incredibly steep slopes. We will get to know both the classic port wine and the modern, high quality table wines.
Piedmont, Wine, Food and Truffles, October 18-22:
Gourmet tour to the Piedmont with Barolo, Barbaresco, and other exclusive wines, and the rare white truffle. We will also do some hands-on cooking workshop. With truffles…
Alentejo and Setubal, Portugal, 25-29 October:
The wine tour to the dynamic Alentejo, with a visit to the Setúbal peninsula and the legendary muscatel wines. Alentejo is Portugal’s largest region and it is filled not only with vineyards but also with cork oak. This is in fact the world’s largest cork oak forest. The Wild Wine West of Portugal. Exciting!